Hot Debate: Heat Treated Hematoid Quartz

Publicado por Ali Tesh en


Chemical formula:
SiO2; Silicate

Hardness: 7

Solubility: Insoluble

Rarity: Common

Colors: Yellow, red, brown, pink

Coloring comes from even inclusions of Iron or Hematite. Can be seen with smoky quartz, rutile and epidote.

Trade names:

Yellow/Brown: Golden Healer, Iron Quartz, Yellow Quartz

Red/pink: Fire Quartz, Flame Quartz, Harlequin Quartz, Strawberry Quartz, Red Quartz

Locations: US, UK, Spain, Brazil, China, Madagascar, Germany


Heat Treating Hematoid Quartz

Heat treating crystals is not exclusive to Amethyst or Citrine. You may have heat treated Hematoid Quartz in your collection and not even know it! This common mineral market trick is becoming more and more prevalent without being disclosed. 

Hematoid Quartz can be altered by heating up the material, this causes the color contrast between the quartz and hematite to intensify. Below are pictures showing heated vs unheated specimens:

The left palm stone is what heat treated Hematoid Quartz looks like and the bottom right palm stone is what natural unaltered Hematoid Quartz looks like

The top tower is natural and untouched while the bottom tower is heat treated. Notice the other heat treated specimens in the background

 More examples of heated hematoid quartz below:

Pictures property of
Picture property of

Natural Unaltered:


 Why Does This Happen?
Why this practice happens can vary. Many wholesalers don't have a vested interest in minerals but see it as a financial opportunity. Because of this there will always be a way to alter a mineral and resell it as something 'new'. It also adds a heavy contrast resulting in more striking colors which can attract consumers. I personally thinks it takes away from the natural beauty and subtly of hematoid quartz but there is absolutely nothing wrong with owning or selling heated quartz as long as it was disclosed by the seller!
This practice of heat treating hematoid quartz is mainly seen with red 'fire quartz' and not so much the yellow/brown 'golden healer' variations, thats not to say they don't happen! Altering this material decreases the value so be sure to pay accordingly.
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